Due to an increase in phishing activity across the Financial Industry, we want to provide you with some information to help you recognize phishing emails and what to do if you receive them
Look for the following in the email:
- Agric Bank graphics in phishing emails may have broken or uneven appearance
- Grammatical or typographical errors, or poorly constructed sentences and phrases
- Links in emails that go to Web sites that do not begin with http://www.adb-plc.com
If you receive a suspicious email that appears to be from ADB, please do the following:
- Do not respond to the message or click on any of the links, or change the email in any way Forward the email to customercare@adb-plc.net.com
- Delete the email immediately after forwarding it
- Check to make sure that your virus definitions and anti-Spyware are up-to-date, and scan the computer, especially if you accidentally clicked on the link in the email